Deep Tissue Massage

Step into a sanctuary of profound relief with Kimberlee Stewart’s Jacksonville Deep Tissue Massage. Kimberlee’s adept hand, honed over a decade-long career specializing in pain management and stress relief therapies, applies slow, profound strokes and friction. She masterfully employs her fingers, thumbs, and elbows to effectively operate perpendicularly to the muscle fibers, reaching deep beneath the superficial muscles.

This specialized technique disentangles persistent muscle stress, alleviates discomfort, and provides a reprieve from the strains of daily life. Kimberlee’s Deep Tissue Massage promises not just immediate relief but a lasting liberation from pain, unveiling a newfound realm of physical freedom for her Jacksonville clients.

$65.00 – 1 hour Massage

$95.00  – 90 Minute Massage

We accept Venmo and all major credit cards