Relaxation Massage

Discover the potent healing touch of Kimberlee Stewart, a Jacksonville local and licensed massage therapist, who has transformed lives with over a decade of hands-on experience. Kimberlee’s Relaxation Massage service in Jacksonville is thoughtfully tailored to enhance blood circulation and boost tissue flexibility. Her natural aptitude for healing through touch aids in the smooth execution of soothing strokes and tranquil techniques, which aim to dissipate muscle strain effectively.

This wellness-centric approach transcends simple relaxation, inducing a parasympathetic response that bolsters overall vitality. Kimberlee’s journey began with a desire to help others and with her relentless dedication to her craft, she ensures every session leads clients beyond mere relaxation, paving the path towards a renewed state of well-being while addressing the root causes of discomfort.

$65.00 – 1 hour Massage

$95.00  – 90 Minute Massage

We accept Venmo and all major credit cards